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District Chain of Command

When questions or concerns arise, parents should first contact their child’s teacher. Most questions or concerns can be addressed at this level. However, if further resolution is required, then it is logical to communicate with someone at the next level. It is district policy that problems be pursued through the following channels and that each person will ensure that all previous levels have been contacted. The proper chain of command should be as follows:
Level 1:
If a problem develops within the classroom, please speak to your child’s teacher first.  She/he is available, interested in what you have to say, and will be able to provide you with further insight as to what may be occurring in the classroom setting.
If your child has an IEP, contact his/her case manager if the concern relates to this area.
Level 2:
If a solution to the problem cannot be reached at level 1, or if the problem is of a general nature,  set up an appointment with the Principal. She will listen and attempt to resolve the problem in a fair and expeditious manner. 
If the solution is not reached at level 1, but applies directly to a student's IEP or is related to curriculum concerns, set up an appointment to speak with the Supervisor of Special Education or the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.
Level 3:
If a solution is not achieved, the matter will be turned over to the Superintendent for review and discussion. A parent should contact the Superintendent directly only after following through with levels 1 and 2.
Level 4: 
The concern is brought to the attention of the Board of Education.​