Board of Education » Board FAQs

Board FAQs

Who Serves on the Board?
The Board consists of seven members elected by the voters of Highlands. Board members are elected each November for three-year terms. The President and Vice President are elected by the Board from among its members for a one-year term at the annual reorganization meeting in January.
What Does Your Board Do?
The Board is a policy-making body. Its primary task is formulation and evaluation of all policies necessary for the operation of the school district. Your Board of Education is a legislative branch of the school district. School board members are state officials. They are empowered by law to perform a state function—governing the schools. Examples of the Board’s responsibilities include promoting student achievement, maintaining the buildings and grounds, adopting an annual budget, and negotiations.
What Does the Administration Do?
The school district is managed by an Administrative Team that works within the limits of Board Policy. 
The team is guided by the Superintendent who is appointed by the Board. The Superintendent serves as chief executive officer, administers Board policies and keeps the Board informed of the needs and programs of the schools. The Superintendent is a non-voting member of the Board. 
The Business Administrator is the chief financial officer for the district and conducts all business functions of the district. 
The District and Building level administrators are responsible of coordination, supervision and evaluation of programs within the schools.
Regular Public Meetings
These meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at the Highlands Elementary School (unless otherwise noted). There is a prepared agenda available at the meeting and a preliminary agenda available on the website. The Board reviews and votes on school matters. Public participation before any voting action affords opportunities to comment and express your opinions on agenda items. In addition, there is an opportunity to speak on non-agenda items during Public Comment.

Sample Agenda

Opening of the Meeting —Call to order by the Board President: reading of the Sunshine Law; flag salute; roll call.
Approval of Minutes —for the previous meeting’s minutes to be placed on file and be considered official, a motion must be made and passed for their approval. Minutes of all public meetings are available at the Board Office and on the website.
Correspondence – The Board will accept any letters / correspondence that it has received
Building Use Requests – The Board will discuss and review any Building Use requests that have been received.  The School Administration will check the dates and the all information and documentation is accounted for prior to placing on The Boards agenda.
Committee Reports —The chair of each committee presents discussion items to the Board. Any item that requires action will be voted on at this time. The Board committees are: Curriculum and Instruction/Education; Tri-District and Public Relations; Finance, Personnel and Facilities; Negotiations. The board president provides updates regarding the Henry Hudson Tri-District Education Foundation and board members provide updates regarding New Jersey  School Board Association (NJSBA), including NJSBA Delegate Assemblies.
Consent Agendas (Information Items) —Reports from the Superintendent, Business Adminstrator and Principal.
Personnel Items – Any employee requests, salary increases, leave of absence and other personnel matters are discussed at this time
Public Comment/Correspondence —There are 2 different opportunites for the public to address the Board of Education.  The first is for agenda items only and the second opportunity is for non-agenda items. Correspondence may be read or acknowledged at this time.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Report – The Board is provided a monthly report of any documented HIB reports.
Executive Sessions– Executive Sessions are closed sessions held in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act (Sunshine Law). These meetings are closed to the public. Only confidential matters such as personnel, litigation or negotiations may be discussed. Board voting can only occur during an official public meeting. The Board may adjourn during a public meeting into closed session and reconvene into public session at the same meeting.